Members list
Type members
Defines possible implicit conversions into Result from various types.
Defines possible implicit conversions into Result from various types.
// for conversions from `Either` and `scala.util.Try`
import Conversions.FromScala.given
// for conversions from `Option` into `Result[T, ResultIsErrException]`
import Conversions.FromOption.given
// for implicit lifting from any type `T` into `Result[T, Nothing]`
import Conversions.Lift.given
Additionally, import Conversions.Compat.given
provides an instance of Conversion[T, T]
to aid with using Result.eval functions.
import Conversions.Compat.given
val ok: Result[Int, String] = Ok(3)
Result[Int, Any]:
ok.? // Ok, Conversion[String, Any] is present
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Represents either a success value of type T
or an error of type E
. It can be used when expecting results that have errors that should be inspected by the caller. For this, Result have a precise error type parameter.
Represents either a success value of type T
or an error of type E
. It can be used when expecting results that have errors that should be inspected by the caller. For this, Result have a precise error type parameter.
To create one, directly use one of the variant constructors Ok or Err, or start a computation scope with Result.apply:
extension[T] (it: IterableOnce[T])
def tryMap[U, E](f: T => Result[U, E]): Result[Seq[U], E] =
Result: // shorts-circuit on the first Err and returns
Tail-recursive functions can be implemented by using eval.break:
extension[T] (seq: Seq[T])
def tryFoldLeft[U, E](init: U)(f: (U, T) => Result[U, E]) =
seq match
case Seq() => init
case Seq(h, t*) => eval.break(t.tryFoldLeft(f(init, h)))
// however, a much simpler implementation is
extension[T] (it: IterableOnce[T])
def tryFoldLeft[U, E](init: U)(f: (U, T) => Result[U, E]) =
it.iterator.foldLeft(init)(f(_, _).ok)
Conversions from Option and Either are available in ScalaConverters (or implicitly through importing Conversions).
// from Option
val opt: Option[Int] = f()
val res1 = opt.okOr(Error.NotFound) // with explicit error
val res2 = opt.asResult // Result[Int, NoSuchElementException]
// to Option
val opt2 = res1.ok // returns Option[Int]
// from Either
val either: Either[E, T] = f()
val res = either.asResult // Result[T, E]
// to Either
val either2 = res.toEither
// from Try
val t: Try[T] = Try { /* ... */ }
val res = t.asResult // Result[T, Throwable]
// to Try
val t2 = res.toTry // Try[T], if error type is throwable
val t2 = Try { res.get } // Try[T], throws ResultIsErrException
Casual usage in a library where precise error reporting is preferred would consist of creating the Error type as an enum
or an union type, aliasing the Result
type with the correct error type, and using it as part of the function signature.
enum LibError:
case A
case B(inner: SomeError)
// or ...
type LibError = ErrorA.type | SomeError
type LibResult[+T] = Result[T, LibError]
object LibResult:
import scala.util.boundary
export Result.{apply as _, *}
// override `apply` manually, to have it fix the Error type parameter.
inline def apply[T](inline body: boundary.Label[LibResult[T]] => T) = Result.apply(body)
// in the library:
def ApiEndpoint(p: Int): LibResult[String] =
// ...
In end applications, prefer either:
- directly
ing over the Result, where precise errors need to be inspected. - in other cases, where tracing is wanted and error details are less important, prefer unwrapping the Result directly and catch the Result.ResultIsErrException at the top level to inspect the error details.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Enumtrait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IterableOnce[T]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Provides extension methods convert Scala API optional value containers into Result.
Provides extension methods convert Scala API optional value containers into Result.
By default, Result already provides conversions back into these containers through Result.ok, Result.toEither and Result.toTry.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type